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Lilith's Treasure

A tale about sexuality, pleasure and the menstrual cycle
Von: Casanovas, Carla Trepat
Carla Trepat Casanovas, 2018, 49 p., 4c., 22 x 26 cm, Hardcover

ISBN: 978-84-617-3585-3

16,50 €

Diesen Artikel liefern wir innerhalb Deutschlands versandkostenfrei. Preis incl. MwSt.

"Lilith's treasure is just that. A treasure. A reclaiming of the beauty and riches within our female body.Written with sensivity and love and joy. I love this book" - Christiane Northrup, MD.

"Liliths treasure is a beautifully illustrated, enchanting story of what it means to be a woman which I hope will teach future generations of women the wonder and delight of their cyclic nature and female energies.! - Miranda Gray

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