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Signature of the Celestial Spheres

Discovering Order in the Solar System
Von: Warm, Hartmut
Keplerstern, 408 S., Paperback

ISBN: 9781855842359

33,00 €

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Is the solar system ordered, or is it simply the result of random and chaotic accidents? This book takes us on a powerful and compelling journey of discovery, revealing the celestial spheres’ astonishingly complex patterns. The movements of the planets are found to correspond accurately with simple geometric figures and musical intervals, pointing to an exciting new perspective on the ancient idea of a ‘harmony of the spheres’.
Hartmut Warm’s detailed presentation incorporates the distances, velocities and periods of conjunction of the planets, as well as the rotations of the Sun, Moon and Venus. Numerous graphics – including colour plates – illustrate the extraordinary beauty of the geometrical forms that result when the movements of several planets are viewed in relation to one another. In addition, the author describes and analyses the concepts of the ‘music of the spheres’, with special consideration given to Johannes Kepler’s revolutionary ideas. Current scientific beliefs about the origin of the universe and the solar system are explained, enabling the reader to understand fully how Warm’s remarkable research supplements contemporary materialistic views of the cosmos. An appendix includes his mathematical and astronomical methods of calculation as well as detailed discussion of their accuracy and validity based on modern astronomical algorithms.


Warm, Hartmut

Geboren 1956 in Celle. Programmierer, Studium der Wasserwirtschaft, Ausbildung zum Dozenten für bewußtes Musikhören, langjährige Studien zur Sphärenharmonie und zur planetarischen Astronomie. Umfangreiche Vortragstätigkeit über die von ihm aufgefundenen Ordnungsstrukturen im Sonnensystem, 2001 Veröffentlichung Die Signatur der Sphären - Von der Ordnung im Sonnensystem. Regelmäßiges lyrisches Schaffen seit 2007.

Gedichtbände: Die rettenden Verse noch ungeschrieben - Die Winterreise 2011; Die Erde dankt Motoren die schweigen, 2015.

Hartmut Warm arbeitet als Autor, Lyriker, Makrophotograph und freier Forscher in Hamburg.

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