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What a drop of blood can tell...

Von: Rinne, Jörg
Seh-Sam Verlag Gbr., 2014. 104 S., pb, in englischer Sprache

ISBN: 978-3-941806-06-1

29,80 €

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with: Joachim Bauer

Many therapists are looking for a simple method by which blood can be evalu- ated inexpensively but still individually. The HLB coagulation test is one such solution.
The HLB coagulation test complements the quantitative, orthodox blood count with qualitative information about the condition of the individual patient.
For this test, a drop of capillary blood must be taken from the fingertip and spread in series on a specimen slide, where it is allowed to dry. The dried blood is then viewed with the aid of a microscope: the structures that have formed are evalu- ated with reference to an ideal image.
In this process, for example, metabolic disorders ranging from the liver, the lungs, the entire digestive tract, the urogenital tract and even oxidative stress, allergy or a cervical vertebrae injury syndrome can be evaluated. The practice manual illustrates the capabilities that the HLB test makes availab- le to us. The book also contains corresponding blood images for illustrative pur- poses and to enable the HLB coagulation test to be assimilated rapidly into the daily routine of the practice.
Simple brightfield microscopes are quite inexpensive and entirely suitable for carrying out the HLB test. But it should be possible for both the therapist and the patient to see the blood at the same time. This is the only way to ensure that the patient is involved in the diagnostic process, and thus also improve his cooperation with the therapy. All of these capabilities are available with the new HLB ribascope.
The authors Joachim Bauer and Jörg Rinne have carried out vital blood analysis using darkfield microscopy for several decades. (IG-DF Interessengemeinschaft für Dunkelfeld-Blutdiagnostik, Community of In- terest for Darkfield Blood Diganostics)



Rinne, Jörg

Jörg Rinne, geboren 1968 in Darmstadt, erlernte bereits im Alter von 17 Jahren eine Diagnoseart, die er viele Jahre später zu seinem Hauptberuf machte: Die Dunkelfeld-Blutdiagnostik. Zusammen mit Joachim Bauer leitet er seit 1994 die Interessengemeinschaft für Dunkelfeld-Blutdiagnostik (IG-DF).

Als Heilpraktiker arbeitet Rinne seit 1997 in eigener Praxis in Riedstadt. Schwerpunkte seiner ganzheitlichen Behandlung liegen neben Rheuma, Magen-Darm-Störungen und Allergien in der biologischen Krebstherapie. Hierbei sucht Rinne nach funktionellen Störungen im Körper, die oft klinisch schwer fassbar sind. Rinne ist Autor verschiedener Sachbücher und Zeitschriftenartikel zu diesen Krankheitsbildern und zeigt alternative Behandlungsmethoden auf.

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