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The Soul Dimension of Yoga

A practical foundation for a path of spiritual practice
Von: Grill, Heinz
Lammers-Koll-Verlag, 2005, 216 S. m. 99 Abb., geb., in englischer Sprache

ISBN: 978-3-935925-57-0

22,50 €

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This Soul Dimension of Yoga is new in terms of philosophy and the experience of contemporary culture. Its practice, method and interpretation have not been derived from previously known paths and yet they lead directly into the sensitive, sacred realm of bhakti-, jnana- and karma-yoga. The content of this ensouled yoga has been tested through broad, spiritual research and through the precision of spiritual science. The discipline of ensouling yoga brings moral improvement to the whole of life, insights into life’s connections, a more stable strength in health and mental and emotional wellbeing and opens a path to practitioners for the mastery and guidance of their lives. A high, inner self-respect is expressed in this yoga. People can discover the spiritual worlds and in the face of the high truths their souls increase in inner self-confidence and self-respect. But once again it should be emphasised that yoga is not a matter to be organised, something done like any other work. This activity is far more a discipline of the consciousness, which is formed from the spirit, from refined thoughts of truth and sentiments of truth and brings an unerring, consistent and stabilising guidance into life. Tada yogam avapsyasi, yoga must first be reached. The form of mastery of the consciousness represents a training for life and begins with the study of thoughts and perceptions, which are ultimately expressed from above downwards, from the spiritual basis of existence via the soul into earthly life. The soul is experienced in the consciousness when the soul itself recognises the thoughts, perceptions and actions in the light of a spiritual awareness of the truth.


Grill, Heinz

Heinz Grill wurde im Mai 1960 in der Nähe des Chiemsees geboren. Seine Kindheit verbrachte er in ländlich-einfachen Verhältnissen und naher Beziehung zur Natur. Schon früh zog es ihn in die nahen Berge und das Klettern entwickelte sich immer mehr zu seiner Leidenschaft.

Der von ihm entwickelte "Yoga aus der Reinheit der Seele" entstand durch die "reine Beziehung zum Berg" über das leidenschaftliche Klettern. 

Votragsredner, Kletterer, Yogalehrer und Autor zahlreicher spirituelle Bücher (ca. 140)

»Einer der bedeutungsvollsten Schritte zu einem Heilwerden des menschlichen Daseins liegt in der Ausprägung einer bewussten, aktiven Aufmerksamkeit. In dieser scheinbar so einfachen Disziplin liegt ein bewussteres Schauen, ein reineres In-Beziehung-Treten zu den Bildern der Natur und den Erscheinungsformen des Daseins« Heinz Grill


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